Sunday, November 25, 2007

Response to Religious YouTube

Religious YouTube?

This is in response to Megan's Post on Godtube. This is great. As Megan states, you can subscribe to this site the same way that you can to YouTube. There are groups, ministries, videos and channels. You can also subscribe to the site free of charge. Compassion in Politics also blog about Godtube. Compassion explains what Godtube is and mentions featured videos such as funny Mac Parody and reading of Psalms 23 by a young girl, which has received over a million hits. I wounder who has the most hits psalms 23 by young girl or evolution of dance? You decide!!!

Everyone I know fell in love with dance evolution, but the reading of psalms 23 by a young video was too cute. She stumbled along the way but the guy filming helped her out. I guessing he was her father. I really enjoy learning about Godtube. Thanks Megan.

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